54歲的Mario 是弱智人士,一生與動物為伍,每天在荷蘭的動物園勤拂掃,就是為了他鍾愛的動物有一個清潔舒適的家。
「很奇妙,動物都認得他,覺得他有不妥。」送Mario到動物園的Ambulance Wish Foundation創辦人 Kees Veldboer看到這一刻,十分感動,「他霎時整個人都容光煥發。」
A Dying Cancer patient who worked at a
Dutch zoo his whole life has said a final goodbye to the animal.
The 54-year-old man, identified only as
Mario, was approaching by a loving giraffe as he lay in his hospital bed
wheeled into Rotterdam ’s Diergaarab Blijdrop zoo.
“You could see him totally lifht up.” Kees
Veldboer, founder and Director of Ambulance wish Foundation, told a Dutch
newspaper, Algemeen Dagblad.
“It’s very special to see that those
animals recognise him, and sense that he isn’t doing well.” he said.
Mario has a mental disability and has
worked as a maintenance man at the zoo for most of his life.
He later bid farewell to his colleagues,
the paper reported.