2014年2月10日 星期一

My appeal to Facebook


John Berlin 居於美國密蘇里,前天自拍影片上網,呼籲臉書幫他看到英年早逝兒子的「回首好時光」臉書影片,他的真情呼喚不僅迅速獲得臉書回應,也打動無數網友,一天後已有逾175萬網友點閱,網友紛紛給與溫情安慰與打氣。



JOHN BERLIN : The response is overwhelming.  We just wanted to see a 1 minute vid.  Were going to get that vid.  FB contacted us and theyre going to work on that vid.  I want to thank everyone, for your support.  I didn't know what to expect from this but it was worth a try.  My son was 12 and died of natural causes, his autopsy came back undetermined.  He is proof that there are no guarantees in life.  Hug your children kiss them.  Tell them you love them every single day. Again I thank every single one of you, even the dislikes.  God Bless
